31 January 2008

Urge to Make Fishstick Joke Rising

I make things for a living — pretty things, hot things, things that make other things better — but all these things I make are for other people. I don't often get the chance to make stuff for myself. That's why sitting down tonight with my scissors, spray glue, and stack of cardstock was so fun. It felt great to do something just for me, and to do it with paper, not pixels.

Art Night coincided with the republican debate on CNN, and since Sweetpea's been hinting that I need to get a little more politically aware, I tuned in. The verdict, taking into account I know only a minuscule amount of these men's policies and platforms and am only basing this on the hour or so of the debate tonight that I watched:

Mike Huckabee: Greasy twat. Whiny and shrill. Not nearly as bright or clever as he thinks he is. (Obviously, this is the guy who will be sitting in the White House come next February.)
Mitt Romney: Smarmy ass. Perfectly coifed and coached, but ultimately a shallow blowhard. Still he looked like the greatest orator who ever lived compared to...
John McCain: Wasn't this guy Washington gold only a few years ago? What happened? Tonight he looked confused and disheveled. Holmes' idea of spitting hot fire consisted mostly of stuttering and blubbering his way through his notes of misquotes and irrelevant timelines. Pathetic.
Ron Paul: My favorite showing of the evening. I liked RP's air of down-home flippancy, liked that he called bullshit on his bickering opponents, and I loved that he took what he was given by Anderson Cooper and didn't come off as desperate or cloying. Again, I know nothing of the man's politics, and he could lose me in a second, but tonight I thought the guy was cool.

K, that's enough grownup shit. Imma go mix up a Nestles strawberry milk and play a little Fight Night before I head to bed.


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