22 December 2007

And Then I'd Like to Drink Milk Straight Out of the Cow

A secret scavenger hunt yesterday — one whose confidentiality has Sweet Pea steamed — took me to JoAnn Fabrics, where I overheard this while standing in the check-out line: "My life's dream would be to eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup at the factory right after they made it. Like, when it was still all warm and stuff."

Simple pleasures, I guess.

I went to five stores yesterday looking for a stupid cigarette lighter charger for my iPod and couldn't find one anywhere. I did, however, find a $1,400 television that would look so good in my living room. Anyone want to give me $1,400? Or you all could split it up; if everyone who reads this throws in $700, I'd be set.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a little. Suspense kills me.

I think the funniest part is that fuckin peanut butter cups don't, say, come out of an oven. it's not like they're baked. Haha.

December 27, 2007 at 6:59 PM  

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