19 December 2007

This Ain't Stealing: A Playlist, Vol. 4

Panda Bear's Person Pitch nabbed the top spot in Pitchfork's yearly best-of list. Predictable but not unconscionable. I dig the record, and a lot of other people seem to also, so, sure, call it the best album of 2007.

A little trivia: "Bros" lasts exactly as long as my ride to or from work and for those 12 minutes and 37 seconds I'm not concerned one bit by cabs or buses or potholes or trader jags on their cellphones. Sweetpea begs me to wear a helmet but I don't need one; Noah Lennox keeps me safe.

Obligatory disclaimer: I didn't upload this file. I only found the link. You want me to take it down? Just ask.


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