13 January 2008

Not Dead, Just Bored to Death with Blogging

How long did that last, five weeks? Bleh. I don't know how you all keep up with your blogs and Twitters and Facebooks and whatnot.

After going 4-0 in the wildcard round, half my picks lost this weekend. I took a bath. Small consolation: At least there's no chance of the Dimple Bowl between stupid Tom Brady and stupid Tony Romo. TTFC. A friend of mine met the woman who eventually became his wife in a laundromat when he brownout'd the GB/NE Super Bowl a decade ago. If the Cowboys and Patriots played this year's game, I'd have been at that same laundromat with some bling, a partially filled-in marriage license, and two tickets to Vegas. Damn, the NFL sucked this year. 'Cept for Purple Jesus:


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