29 January 2008

George Herbert Would Think Colin Meloy's Turned Into A Douche, Too

Sure, living well is the best revenge. Obvs. But what if you've got no axe to grind? What then of living well? I'd hate to think that my lazy week off, my new forch job, fancy OJ carafe, and upgrade to CS3 are all for naught.

I updated MBD this evening, adding a screengrab of my dearly departed music snark site, Booze Is My Momma. I'd forgotten how fun it was writing that trash, back in the halcyon days of 2006 when I was a rowdy pup who could stay out past 9 p.m. and didn't mind the long trek up Clark to Metro. Ah well, I can't exactly complain about my Santori Times these days, can I?


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