04 January 2009

Pickpocket Part Two

An addendum to my earlier Pickpocket post: this poster for the movie I found online.

Just look at that thing! How gorgeous is that? I've heard writers talk of sentences or paragraphs they've read that they wish they'd written themselves. That awestruck admiration is how I feel looking at this poster. It is perfection, pure and simple, and pretty fucking depressing at the same time.

2009 marks ten years exactly that I've been calling myself a designer and at no point in the last decade have I created anything so apt as this. Knowing that this is out in the world, I feel like I need to go out and buy a hamster and a cage and line the cage with my portfolio for the hamster to cover with his little poo eggs just to feel like my work isn't a total waste.

Conversely, say I did design a visual that so flawlessly and effortlessly captured the essence of its subject... What then? I might as well retire my chunky black glasses and take up professional rock climbing or bass fishing or bassoon playing, because nothing I could ever do graphic design-wise—even if I worked another 99 years—would top such splendor.


Blogger Nathalie said...

Hahaha you are so funny! I share your love for this poster as well. Few things get to me as a beautifully designed movie poster. But we should just look at this and strive for this kind of excellence, instead of having our work lined with poo eggs. ;) hahahaha! Go for it Justin!

June 13, 2011 at 12:43 PM  

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