03 December 2008

The MBD Endorsement: Backing Up Your Files

So this morning I was futzing with the design and publishing settings of Ye Old Peas and Carrots (please to enjoy) and in one errant keystroke, the index file of MBD.com was written over and replaced with a portion of this here blog.

Could have been traumatic and tragic to lose such a large chunk of just-completed work, but because I'm a cool customer and back up everything religiously (we use and love Carbon Copy Cloner here at MBDHQ but that's another endorsement for another time) getting everything back in place and running smoothly was a snap.

I realize that for some of you, backing up your files--whether to an external drive or media, online storage dump, or some combo thereof--is just common sense, but too many people still don't do it (or do it often enough) and wind up helpless and hopeless when catastrophe strikes. Which it will, guaranteed.

You've been warned.


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