30 November 2007

Rotisserie Chicken

Great news! Well, great news for me. Doesn't really affect you at all, but whatevs. So what's all the fuss about? Well, this little web shingle I've hung just scored me a pretty cherry freelance gig. I can't say much right now, as it's still early and details are being hammered, but I'll update you later and will definitely post the finished product when it's, you know, finished.

It's actually quite heartening to me, the reluctant self-promoter I am, to find that sometimes things work the way they should, and it's enough to do good work, have integrity, and not be an art jag in order to be recognized and rewarded with good things in return. Logically, it seems like forch should beget forch, but it doesn't necessarily, not always — rarely, in fact. So, yeah, this is great news.

28 November 2007

Annie, Get Your Gunn

It's Wednesday, and that means Project Runway, and that means I'm going to blog about my closet. (Fascinating, right?) Likes, dislikes, and stuff that should have gone to the Goodwill long ago.

Like: White Shoes. I've got two pairs of these — Chucks and Pumas — and I just love them to death. And I don't mean wore-out, dingy, used-to-be-white-but-pretty-much-grey-now; we're talking gleaming bright shiny white. Yeah, I get a ton of flack for wearing them — "Is it Labor Day in Del Boca Vista?" people ask me — but I'm not fazed. There's just something so dandy and fun about my pearly kicks that you in your navy blue 'Roos just don't get.

Dislike: Wide T-Shirts. Band shirts are notorious for this. You know what I'm talking about. Wear them once and they shrink lengthwise as much as they stretch widthwise, leaving me with a soft, billowy, micromini Yo La Tengo burka that shows off nicely my PBR-manicured Grover belly.

Like: Scarves! Long, short, tassled, argyle, striped, solid, wool, cashmere... I've got more scarves than stretched-out concert tees — which is saying something.

Dislike: On-Seam Pockets. When I sit down, my keys slide out between the couch cushions and these pockets flare like gills on a trophy largemouth bass. Worse, I've got a little Eurotrash track jacket with on-seams pockets, and it's nearly impossible to jam my hands in my pockets and slouch like I love to do without looking like I have scoliosis of the soul.

Goodwill: Ralph Lauren Suit. Can anyone tell me why I own this suit? Taupe, pleated pants with cuffs, on-seam pockets, and the widest shoulders you've ever seen not dancing next to Tina Weymouth. I bought it at Dillards nine years ago if that helps give you a style locus. The only way this suit could be more hideous is if it were double-breasted, although there's enough material here that it might as well be.

You know how you have that one outfit that makes you feel all Jean Paul Belmondo, like you could jack a car, win an overmatched fistfight, and get the girl with equal aplomb? Well, putting on this suit is like getting into a fistfight with Taste and Taste whupped yer ass and is now parading you around your high school on a pink lace leash.


P.S., since fashion segues so well into sports: RIP Sean Taylor. Holmes was on my short list of cats (Brian Dawkins, Ed Reed, Chuck Cecil are others) who I was hoping beyond hope to see blow up Tom Brady real good just once before I die. Can you imagine Sean Taylor coming on a blindside blitz and earholing that pretty boy? Brady on the ground, twisted and twitching... Taylor over him preening all sexy emu-style... Few things would be sweeter.

27 November 2007

Jiminy Jillickers

Dang, this episode gets me steamed. Bart is perfect to play Fallout Boy. Knowledgeable, competent, passionate. Per-fect. Yet the producers tab noodlenuts Millhouse first for the role and Andy Rooney later before eventually shitcanning the movie altogether. Smart move, suits. Smart move.

26 November 2007

My Favorite Piece of Tupperware

Whew. With all the driving, eating, serving, showing-off, celebrating, and meeting and greeting I did in the last four days, the holiday weekend was hardly a vacation from work. But it was splendid to see the Nebraska peeps again and introduce all the folks who needed introducing. Everything went smashingly and the weekend was ‘bout perfect. Seriously. $3 Bombay and tonics at the Brothers were only the beginning of a forch, forch few days.

Elsewhere work-wise, this week, short as it is, could be jam-packed with chores. Until the suits hire me some help, every web, magazine, and marketing art task is going to fall squarely and solely on my plate. I’ll handle it, obvs, but the next few weeks are going to be biz-zay.

17 November 2007

This is Only a Test
