02 April 2012

New Work: Summer Reading Outdoor Banners

I keep an email folder of what I call "Wins"—mostly praise, success stories, your various niceties from clients and bosses, that sort of thing. It's not an ego thing. It's not like I ever actually go back through this folder and reread any glowing correspondence but seeing it there helps to remind me during the times of plodding work, difficult clients, thankless jobs, and twatnosed bosses that I'm good at what I do and whatever is sucking now will eventually be replaced with something so fun and rewarding and cool. Case in point: I've been at my new nine-to-five for about six weeks now and my Wins folder is by far outpacing what I collected in the entire two years previous. I'm not saying my last employer NEVER provided designers with positive feedback or a well-earned pat on the back but... but I don't know how to finish this sentence.

Last week I was tasked with the large outdoor banners below. I'm happy with them, my boss loved them, and the client flipped when she saw them. Into the Wins folder they go.

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