30 November 2007

Rotisserie Chicken

Great news! Well, great news for me. Doesn't really affect you at all, but whatevs. So what's all the fuss about? Well, this little web shingle I've hung just scored me a pretty cherry freelance gig. I can't say much right now, as it's still early and details are being hammered, but I'll update you later and will definitely post the finished product when it's, you know, finished.

It's actually quite heartening to me, the reluctant self-promoter I am, to find that sometimes things work the way they should, and it's enough to do good work, have integrity, and not be an art jag in order to be recognized and rewarded with good things in return. Logically, it seems like forch should beget forch, but it doesn't necessarily, not always — rarely, in fact. So, yeah, this is great news.


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