26 November 2007

My Favorite Piece of Tupperware

Whew. With all the driving, eating, serving, showing-off, celebrating, and meeting and greeting I did in the last four days, the holiday weekend was hardly a vacation from work. But it was splendid to see the Nebraska peeps again and introduce all the folks who needed introducing. Everything went smashingly and the weekend was ‘bout perfect. Seriously. $3 Bombay and tonics at the Brothers were only the beginning of a forch, forch few days.

Elsewhere work-wise, this week, short as it is, could be jam-packed with chores. Until the suits hire me some help, every web, magazine, and marketing art task is going to fall squarely and solely on my plate. I’ll handle it, obvs, but the next few weeks are going to be biz-zay.


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