23 November 2008

Idle Hands are the Devil's Something Something...

Had a little extra time this week so I redesigned MBD.com. Please to enjoy.

20 November 2008

The Chicken Fries Contain Potassium Benzoate

Look, I'm not saying that the planted Burger King wallet I found last week is cursed, or that Burger King restaurants are cursed, or that I even believe in curses, but ever since I found that damn wallet and the free Whopper coupons inside, it's been nothing but bad luck for the MBD household. If anyone in the Taco Bell marketing department wants to leave some non-jinxed freebies on my doorstep I'd be much obliged.

14 November 2008

Momma's Boy Thinks He's So Big...

It's been a year and change since I hung my web-shingle, and I'm bored with MBD.com. I smell a (-nother, to replace the one I started and scrapped in September) redesign to the site in the coming weeks or months.

Speaking of change:

Or, if you prefer:

04 November 2008

Decision '08

I voted this morning in what could be considered the most important election in my lifetime. The choice between two worthy candidates was not an easy one, nor was it without potential consequences. I spent much time considering my options. I researched track records of the candidates, and gathered all the information I could find that could help me to best judge their future potential. I don't think my choice will be a popular one, given where I call home, but after a lot thought, I decided to follow my heart and my gut and I feel 100% confident in my final decision: I'm starting Tony Scheffler over Greg Olson on my fantasy team this weekend. Godspeed, good sir.