20 March 2008

Bryce Drew Must be Spinning in His Grave

Oh, this is horseshit.

All I want to do is eat my lunch at my desk and peek in at some of the first round games going on right now. But does CBS Sportsline make it easy for me to point my Mac a their little broadcast? Nay. And does my IT guy make it easy to download and install whatever juryrigged version of Windows Media Player I need to do so? Nay.

Out of the question is taking a long lunch at the bar around the corner. I barely like college basketball and I can't stand the office "braketologists" with their rolled-up sleeves, Dockers, and game analysis cribbed from Doug Gottlieb. So yeah, no, I won't be taking in an games on a sprts bar big screen. I'll just sit here, munching my bagel, and refreshing the stupid ESPN site.


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