28 December 2009


Every December everyone in the world rolls out their best-of lists for everything imaginable. Movies, books, albums, videos, pop culture moments, red carpet outfits, culinary achievements, and so forth. This practice is stupid and pointless. Or is it? If everyone is doing it, and you're not, aren't you the stupid one? Right. Let's get to it.

Top Thirteen Thematically-Relevant Songs/Videos Used in My Weekly Fantasy Football League Note This Year:
  1. "Crush My Battleopponent's Balls," Dethklok
  2. "The Rat," The Walkmen
  3. "Floyd the Barber," Nirvana
  4. "Where There's A Will There's A Whalebone," Islands
  5. "Saved by Zero," The Fixx
  6. "Seven Nation Army," The White Stripes
  7. "She's Lost Control," Joy Division
  8. "Well Alright," Spoon
  9. "Robots Fucking," TV on the Radio
  10. "Take it or Leave it," The Strokes
  11. "Banquet," Bloc Party
  12. "So Bored," Wavvves
  13. "Two Weeks," Grizzly Bear

21 December 2009


Every December everyone in the world rolls out their best-of lists for everything imaginable. Movies, books, albums, videos, pop culture moments, red carpet outfits, culinary achievements, and so forth. This practice is stupid and pointless. Or is it? If everyone is doing it, and you're not, aren't you the stupid one? Right. Let's get to it.

Top Ten Radio Stations I Listened to in the Car on My Way Home from Work Today:
  1. 87.7
  2. 88.3
  3. 88.7
  4. 89.3
  5. 91.5
  6. 93.1
  7. 94.7
  8. 97.1
  9. 98.7
  10. 104.3

11 December 2009


Every December everyone in the world rolls out their best-of lists for everything imaginable. Movies, books, albums, videos, pop culture moments, red carpet outfits, culinary achievements, and so forth. This practice is stupid and pointless. Or is it? If everyone is doing it, and you're not, aren't you the stupid one? Right. Let's get to it.

Top Ten Swears I Said Yesterday Morning When My Car Wouldn't Start
  1. Fuck
  2. Shit
  3. Motherfucker
  4. Dammit!
  5. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
  6. Son of a bitch
  7. COCK!
  8. Rat fucker
  9. Cocksucker
  10. God dammit (dejectedly)

09 December 2009


Every December everyone in the world rolls out their best-of lists for everything imaginable. Movies, books, albums, videos, pop culture moments, red carpet outfits, culinary achievements, and so forth. This practice is stupid and pointless. Or is it? If everyone is doing it, and you're not, aren't you the stupid one? Right. Let's get to it.

Top Ten Last Ten Songs iTunes Shuffle Played for Me
  1. "Mbira in the Morass," Volcano Choir
  2. "Bonnie and Clyde," Wayne Horovitz and Robin Holcomb
  3. "Year of the Dragon," Sufjan Stevens/Osso
  4. "Waiting for my Man," Beck
  5. "Woe is You and Me," The Strange Boys
  6. "Is and Always Was," Daniel Johnston
  7. "Wordy Rappinghood," Tom Tom Club
  8. "Sweet Road," Animal Collective
  9. "Hiding Neath My Umbrella," God Help the Girl
  10. "Cool Places," Sparks and Jane Wiedlin

07 December 2009


Every December everyone in the world rolls out their best-of lists for everything imaginable. Movies, books, albums, videos, pop culture moments, red carpet outfits, culinary achievements, and so forth. This practice is stupid and pointless. Or is it? If everyone is doing it, and you're not, aren't you the stupid one? Right. Let's get to it.

Top Ten Things on My Desk Right Now:
  1. Staples brand ballpoint pen, blue
  2. Cowboy mug
  3. Note paper bearing the following list (how meta!):
    • smaller typeface
    • connection
    • cscp webinar
    • p&p
    • enews tracking links
  4. iPhone
  5. Time sheet
  6. Keys, house and automobile
  7. Binder clip functioning as money clip containing five dollar bill, CTA card, two debit cards, insurance card, and Costco membership card
  8. Holiday music mix CD given to me by a coworker. Track ten: "White Christmas," by the Drifters
  9. Moleskine notebook approximately 1/6th filled with still more lists
  10. Invitation to a recycling party. Donation of three cell phones, laptops, iPods, or Kindles grants me free admission, and Kermit the Frog may or may not be making an appearance.