07 March 2009

This Ain't Stealing: Wavvves

Funny, because I'm not 17 anymore and this isn't the last week of school before summer break and Brad no longer owns that shitted-out Honda Civic, but fuck I feel like getting a couple 40s, maybe heading over to Bobs house to scrounge for some weed or snacks or Monster League Football and killing time until the show tonight where there'll be more weed, booze, and chicks who pay no attention to us so we'll go pick up Charlie and maybe smash some mailboxes or push a lawnmower into a pool before we get some gas station nachos and swing back by Bob's to grab that last half bottle of vodka and meet up with these other girls we met at that party last week that got busted and we had to hide in the basement for two hours and Seth pissed in the laundry basket because he couldn't hold it until the cops left but those girls were kind of ugly and I'm still pretty hungry and Brad says Suzanne is having a party tonight so why don't we go over there and get some food or steal some of her dad's beer out of the garage fridge, I mean, I don't have to work tomorrow until two, so, yeah, let's go...

Download Wavvves here.

Obligatory disclaimer: I didn't upload this file. I only found the link. You want me to take it down? Just ask.


Blogger allisonluth34 said...

as my heart swells with pride and love. such good kids.

March 14, 2009 at 12:57 PM  
Blogger b r a n t said...

Allison twitter'd about the civic and i just had to see what she was talking about! The second you mentioned Bob's i instantly remembered climbing through the window to fry hamburgers and drink his mgd. Im pretty sure thats called breaking and entering now that we're over 18 ;)

hope all is well with you!


March 14, 2009 at 2:38 PM  

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