28 March 2009

The MBD Endorsement: Destroy Twitter

Now that everyone in the world is using stupid Twitter, you're going to need a way to view and filter the oodles of retarded dreck, e-noise, and 140-character infomercials from people who, if they behaved in such a self-aggrandizing way in person, you'd never speak to twice.

Twitter's web interface is lousy slow on my iMac so I've turned to Destroy Twitter. Contrary to some blog flack bemoaning its lack of features, DT, an Adobe Air app, is hands-down my favorite Twitter tool. It's great looking, has a sweet name, and does everything I—as a decidedly non power user—need it to. If DT also came as an iPhone app I'd totally marry it.

Hey, wouldn't it be cool if someone made a Twitter client called Tw@? I'd pay for that.

Download Destroy Twitter here. Now go outside and speak to an actual person, you pasty subnormal!


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