22 February 2009

New Work: Sleepover2.0 Website Design

The newest addition to my portfolio (which, by the way, can be found here and will, later this week, be updated to include this and other new work) is the anthropomorphic spokeslogo and website for Sleepover2.0, a webcam slumber party broadcast from the Hotel Sax in downtown Chicago. (Not what you think, perv-o, but still worth tuning in to.) Hit up the Sleepover2.0 site for all the details and, as always, email me if your own site is in need of a makeover.

11 February 2009

Hear That, Kids? BROWN!

That new Pilcrow site I was telling you about is now live. Do check it out. Many, many thanks to my brother-in-law and Wolta Christmas Madden Tournament foil Eric for his top-notch and super quick work translating the site design into blog form. I've granted him a two game head start in the '09 tourney for his efforts, which should leave no doubt as to how much I appreciate the work. [Now get a website, holmes.]

08 February 2009

On Acquiescence

Sigh. I suppose if Madison Square Garden can endorse Kobe for MVP, I can learn to toot my horn online. Follow me on Twitter to watch firsthand as social media jumps the shark .

06 February 2009

Who Wants To Be Billy Martin Anyway?

Not me. I always fancied myself more of an Earl Weaver guy.

Totally unrelated: Anyone want to buy a slightly-used kidney? If you call before cocktail hour starts, I'll throw in a free liver.

02 February 2009

New Projects: Pilcrow Lit Fest Website

Since early Saturday afternoon—with a short break yesterday—I've been hard at work on a new website for the good folks behind Pilcrow Lit Fest. I'm not going to show you what it looks like just yet, but it's almost finished (I work fast when I'm inspired by good people with big ideas doing creative things) and I couldn't be happier with how it's turning out. A tiny hint: I'm bringing back brown. Expect the full reveal in a week or so.