25 October 2008

This Ain't Stealing, Volume Whatever: Deerhunter

An obvious pairing they're not, but two things that rate pretty high here at MBDHQ nonetheless are weirdos from Georgia and Lou Reed. And like a warm, gauzey Transformer Jr., Deerhunter's Microcastle does woozy haze-rock very well. In fact, I just came in from outside where it was kinda grey, kinda chilly. I had a big lunch, petted the cat, and sat down to answer a few emails and Microcastle has been pretty much the perfect soundtrack.

Download Microcastle.

15 October 2008

The MBD Endorsement: Dropbox

I've been pining for an app like Dropbox ever since gDisk went kaput a year or two ago. I loved gDisk, as it allowed me easily move files from my home computer to my machine at the office, thus working on freelance projects while getting paid by my regular 9-5—the crafty freelance designer's version of double billing. But then one day gDisk got all wonky and AWOL and I was sad. I tried the awful gSpace and the clumsy MediaFires and RapidShares before finally settling for schlepping a USB drive around with me.

But this week, on a tip from the Unclutterer, I discovered Dropbox. I've only watched the intro video and had the app installed for a minute, so I've barely scratched the surface of what Dropbox can do, but so far I fucking love it. It's so slick and easy. And free! All wins in my book.