19 May 2008

Talking Type at Pilcrow

Were I moderating or speaking on the Lit vs. Tech panel at Pilcrow on Saturday, I'd surely use this article by Paul Dean as crib notes or a discussion starter. So thorough, so informative (Who knew "#@$%*!" had a name? Not me.).

Dean's history lesson gives me some reassurance that digital will not, in fact, kill the typographer—though I'll never fully embrace the idea of books and newspapers going the way of the rotary telephone, a curious antiquity you think your grandmother foolish for keeping around and actually (eye-roll) using.

Either way, count on me being front-row for this discussion. Should be a good one, with LOLspeak and Twitter nerds on one side and crotchety fuddy-duddies on the other.


Blogger Leah in Chicago said...

twitter nerds????

um, yes, twitter nerds.

May 19, 2008 at 10:26 PM  

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